Friday Fictioneers

Fine Renee, I’ll play along with Friday Fictioneers.

I’ve done music prompts (somewhat easy) and word prompts (not so easy), so why not try a photo prompt (damned hard!) as well?

Here’s my first entry into the world of Friday Fictioneers – please let me know what you think:


Two in one.

Where do I end, where do you begin?

When I end, how will you carry on?

I am ending, you know. It was foretold that I would.

You will end as well, but not for years until after I.

What will you do with that time of solitude?

Will you reinvent yourself? Become someone new?

Or will you instead stagnate, languishing while you wait for Mr. Death to come back ‘round for you?

My spirit hopes it’s the first of the two, my jealous love, the second.

Two in one. When I end, how will you begin?
