
For those of you who follow my other blog as well, I swear this newish topic will not become “a thing.” The 100 words that appear below just happen to be where this week’s 100 Word Song prompt led me to, OK?

I hope you enjoy =)


As he lay there dying, a tear came to Lou’s eye while remembering the pet-name he’d used. The idea that she was his “sweetheart,” now led him to wonder how he’d ever been so young, so naive.

That sort of thinking doesn’t keep love alive, and in the end she left him for another, a foreigner. Lou spent the rest of his years living on, but missing her often, and deeply.

So the hand that he’d dreamt would be holding his at this moment, was now happily living abroad. And with his last breath, Lou finally came to accept that.


This week’s song was chosen by Carrie: “Ho Hey” by The Lumineers

Sorry Friday Fictioneers, but I’m back…

I can not tell you how good it feels to be participating in Friday Fictioneers once again. And I do NOT say that simply as a blatant suck-up to Rochelle. No, it just does my heart good to be able to once again create off of someone else’s creativity. And then have the pleasure of seeing what everyone else in turn, also created from the same prompt.

OK, fine. I suppose it also is a little bit of a suck-up to Rochelle.

That being said, here’s my 100:

Copyright - Claire Fuller

Copyright – Claire Fuller

Leading me down the long dark hall, we tumbled into a white, bright room. One filled with miles upon miles of books, each a story, unique unto itself. While strolling I noticed one – not the oldest by far – simply entitled “Eden.”

“Now why’s that here?” I wondered to myself.

Knowing, he responded, “Must it not be? Could there be any others before or after, without it?”

“Then where is mine, sir?” I entreated, upset by its absence.

“Ah, yours,” He chuckled. “Yours is still being written, my child. It will only be placed upon the shelf, after you’ve completed it.”


I’ve been through a bit of a rough patch as of late and to be certain, the above resulting 100 could have easily been 1,000 or more words to fill in all the gaps. Suffice to say, the moral of this story is simply that I am still writing mine. The book is not yet closed, and as such, the song below makes for me at least, the perfect way to end today’s post.


(yes k~, with green wings)


And no Lance, this does NOT mean that I will be ending today’s post with the Bowie song of the same name.


Hey, did you know that I now have 200 followers? Pretty cool, that! And yeah Renee, I know that you average about that amount in new followers per week, but it’s a big deal for me, OK? So anyway, my point was, I have over 200 followers (did I mention before that it was actually over 200 followers?) But instead of writing for them, and enjoying myself with them, I’m just whittling my time away by moping about in an internetless corner. Sucking my thumb while rocking to and fro with the usual “woe is me’s.”

Not cool t, not cool.

So back to the keyboard I’ll be going. Seems to make sense, especially as I am getting ready to have a LOT more “quality me time” than previously enjoyed these past 17 years. I know, I know, “That’s not a change t, just a schedule update.” And right you are. No, the change has to deal with my focus. Moving forward I plan on sticking mostly to writing fiction from this site. This is in part because I truly enjoy it (even if my stories never actually go anywhere), and also because the bad feelings I have to express, I will no longer feel comfortable doing so here.

Those feelings will still have to come out – painfully plucked one by one, lest there be even greater future distress, should they be ignored now – so I plan on starting a second (anonymous again) blog to address these. Should you wish to read along there, please send me an email, making sure you tell me whose Blog parent you are (cue the announcers deep and woodsy voice: sorry, but this offer is only available to current friends and followers of, and I can get you a link to the new address once it’s up and running (4/25 update: in fact, I’ve already pulled the last three posts from this site detailing the recent events, and placed them over there for continuity sake).

And speaking of anonymity, this site will no longer be so.


First off, you’ve all been so good to me, and I’ve been blessed with so many “wouldn’t know you in a crowd, but I love you out here in Blogsville” friendships, it seems a shame to continue on with the charade. Secondly, as I knew that C was a private person, and as I also knew that I intended on writing about her often, I originally left names out of it. But seeing now as I can’t fathom any more posts of that nature coming across your screen from here, I think we’re good with retiring the whole “man behind the curtain” routine.

One last change as well kids, and then I’ll let you go. I am going to try hard to provide you with quality over quantity, so I may not be as regular as I was before in my schedule (say it with a soft “c,” it’s a hell of a lot sexier that way). Please know that  won’t mean that anything is necessarily wrong, it’ll just mean that I haven’t yet found for a particular post, the best words to, umm, well to… I mean, well – oh hell! You get the picture, right?

Listen kids, I’ve been a little weird as of late, and I’m sorry about that. I’m still not 100%, but I now see that someday I will be, just in a fashion wholly new and different from before. It’s taken me a while to recognize this, but as David Bowie once said, I’m “just gonna have to be a different man,” and be cool with that fact.

Oh crap! Now I DO have to end this post with his song of the same name!

