A Year Ago, Today

A year ago today we spoke not of homophobes masquerading as bureaucrats, projecting their personal perversions upon decent folk simply longing to pee in peace.

A year ago today we knew not of divisive poseur tyrants-in waiting, whipping up a delusional privileged few into a bully storm of intolerance, vomiting notions of “building walls” instead of tearing them down.

A year ago today we weren’t yet grieving forty-nine families grieving.

No, a year ago today we touched victory. And love. And peace. Even if only for a spell. A year ago today we flooded the streets in celebration of the revelation that for the first time in American history, most ALL people were finally freed the privilege of plunging heart-first into the marital mistake.

A respite, a ruddy hint of what “We The People” are truly capable of, a year ago today was a very good day indeed.




2 thoughts on “A Year Ago, Today

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