150 Words Plus A Sentence

Well into week 4 already, I still feel as if I’m finding my way through this Master Class endeavor. Am I doing well, or doing poorly? I’ve no idea, as I haven’t received very many grades back as of yet.

That being said, I should (hopefully) be able to hear from all of you as to how I am doing, since Master Class has now instituted a voting mechanism to see who readers feel deserves to go to the head of the class in a given week. That means, from this Sunday morn through Monday night, you’ll be able to vote for whom you felt did the best job, after clicking here and reading through all the entries.

That being said, and without further ado, here’s my homework submission for week 4 of Master Class 2013′s spring semester.


And (like it or not) here’s the song I found myself humming along while I wrote it…

9 thoughts on “150 Words Plus A Sentence

  1. Well, I found you through your participation in Master Class and chose to follow your blog directly so I could read the stuff that you write independently of the meme…I don’t know what this means in general, but you got at least one happy new reader from it ; )

That's my two cents. Now, tell me what you think...